Hair, Waxing, Threading, Nails, Facial, Eyelash Extensions, Fusion Hair, Bridal and make-up

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Our Exculusive Herbal Facial

Why Do We Need To Have a Facial:

                                                                         Everyday, our face is exposed to so many harmful chemicals in the environment. Fumes, cigarette smoke, our daily make-up, stress and laugh lines, these are just some of the factors that make our face look old, dull, dry and wrinkled. Our face needs to breathe and get its appropriate pampering once in a while.

The product we use all herbal product our facial all 90 min with relaxing face massage.  We give 30 min massage by hand (The word “massage” comes from the Greek root “masso," which means "to touch")

1 comment:

  1. hair stylist

    The first thing that is used to produce an exfoliating herbal facial, body is an organic process, to cleanse the skin. An ideal combination for a cleaning is finely ground oats, almonds and honey. A coffee grinder to grind oats and almonds fantastic features. Then just combine with honey. If you want a more gentle exfoliation, you can use oatmeal and honey. Just take a spoon and gently rub his meeting with him, and then rinse.
